Pair of donkeys pulling a cart

Donkey Welfare Symposium at UC Davis

Donkey Welfare Symposium

The Donkey Welfare Symposium brings thought-provoking presentations and discussions, that are aimed to improving the health and welfare of donkeys and humans caring for donkeys.

Symbol of the Donkey Welfare Symposium


IAWTI Organizes and Hosts the Annual Donkey Welfare Symposium since 2013 through the collaboration between the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine and  organizations committed to the welfare of donkeys; these include the Donkey Sanctuary of Sidmouth, UK, and the Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue, Texas, USA.

The symposium has become a global venue for annual discussions of donkeys and the issues they face in the modern world.

For the first 8 years, the Donkey Welfare Symposium has been under the leadership of Dr. Eric Davis and Cindy Davis. 

In 2021, Dr. Eric and Cindy Davis have retired from their leadership roles, but they remain a strong driving force of this event.  We thank them for their lifelong commitment and dedication to the health and welfare of donkeys.





The 12th Donkey Welfare Symposium is coming up on September 27th to 29th, 2024


Registration is Open !

As Always, the registrations for students and residents are sponsored by the HALTER Project, Please email with your information and get the sponsorship code.



View Past Donkey Welfare Symposiums